
Our firm handles litigation in the following areas;

  1. Civil litigation.
  2. Criminal litigation.
  3. Probate and family related matters (Succession, Marriage, Divorce and separation).
  4. Children matters.
  5. Traffic related matters.
  6. Constitutional and judicial review litigation.
  7. Intellectual Property and Tech law
  8. Commercial and business and International Law
  9. Employment and Labour matters
  10. Land and Environmental Matters
  11. Oil and Gas Matters
  12. Aviation, Airspace and Marine Law

The firm has established the following principles necessary to ensure success for our clients;

  1. Initiating effective and speedy mechanisms in dealing with temporary applications and other reliefs for our clients. These applications include injunctions, stay of execution, interlocutory judgments, summary judgments, judicial review, constitutional disputes and appeals.
  2. Creating good working relationships with relevant agencies, judicial officers, court registry staff, and professional colleagues.
  3. Ensuring fast and speedy trials.
  4. Thorough preparation of cases before hearings.
  5. Always keeping clients posted with development in their cases.
  6. Holding conferences in advance to prepare clients for trial.
  7. Confirmation to clients whether or not a matter is listed prior to the hearing date to save time and money.